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The timeline component displays the user's driving score history to help them understand if they are making progress.
The data represents weekly or monthly averages that are calculated periodically by services that run on the DriveQuant platform and automatically synchronised with the DriveKit SDK.
The design is designed to be technical but ergonomic in order to highlight the qualities and weaknesses of the user's driving behaviour.
The user can easily navigate to consult :
the evolution of his driving scores by theme. The safety score out of 10 for example.
the evolution of sub-scores or secondary driving indicators that were used to build the main driving scores. The number of hard braking for example.
The main screen highlights the scores for each theme. The driver can choose between two types of display:
weekly average history
monthly average history
The secondary screens are accessible from the main screen by tapping on "See more details about my score".
They contain the sub-scores of the selected theme. As for the main screens, data is available by week and month.
🛡Safety sub-scores :
Number of accelerations per 100 km
number of brakings per 100 km
Adherence limits per 100 km
🌿 Eco-driving sub-scores:
Acceleration score
Deceleration score
Speed maintain score
Fuel consumption (in l)
Achievable fuel savings (in l)
CO2 mass (in kg)
📱Distraction sub-scores:
Number of phone unlocks per 100 km
Duration of forbidden calls per 100 km
Percentage of trips with forbidden calls
🏎 Speeding sub-scores:
Overspeeding relative duration
Overspeeding relative distance